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How to adding plugin to a page in JQuery?

To add plugin to a page, we need to download plugin.js file and also include jQuery Library to the script block of the page. Below example we are going to make a slideshow effect using cycle plugin. It provides different options to have different transition effects and layouts.

How to implement .eq method in jQuery?

If we want make selection with jQuery, we can chain the .eq() method and pass the index of the selection. Below example we will select the cricket team with 8 key players of two teams.

How to create Enumerations in c#?

The purpose of using enumeration is to improve readability by enabling us to use meaningful symbols instead of numeric values. The value of variable is an integer,it is easy to output the name of the symbol rather then its value.

How to create use StringBuilder in c#?

StringBuilder is most flexible because it can span multiple statements. The default constructor creates a buffer 16 bytes long, which grows as needed. We can specify an initialize and also maximize size if needed.

[Solved]Complilation error: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

It was happen when I was assigned value to a variable var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; so that it was happened afterwards I find out solution. I have assigned like this var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; then works fine. We do not need to use @ symbol.