Latest posts on tagged on "Html"

How to implement submit button click in JQuery?

11 May 2016

In this article we will discuss implementing to use submit button click in JQuery. We will write a function in script block and will call function inside $(document).ready()W without using Id here we are using input type . When the submit button is clicked, we are hiding the div tag.

What is JSON?

10 May 2016

JSON stands for javascript Object Notation. It is a light weight data interchange format. It is easier to handle and alternative to XML.

How to use substring() method in JavaScript?

26 April 2016

In this article we will discuss to how to use substring() method. It has two parameter start and end. Start is required parameter and it specifies where the position should to start. End is optional parameter it specifies where the extraction should end. If the value of start parameter is greater than the end parameter then the method will swap the two arguments, start treated as end and end will be treated as start.

How to replace strings in JavaScript?

25 April 2016

In this article we will discuss to replace strings in JavaScript by using replace() method. It searches a given specified string and replaces with the replacement values.

How to convert string to uppercase and lowercase using javascript?

24 April 2016

In this article we will discuss how to convert string to uppercase and lowercase using JavaScript. In JavaScript we can convert to Uppercase by using toUpperCase() method and for lowercase by toLowerCase() method.

How to Concatenating string using JavaScript?

24 April 2016

In this article we will discuss how to concatenating string using JavaScript . Concatenating is achieved by two methods. You could use + operator or by concat() method.

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