In this video tutorial I will show you how to hide the ID field from the Django admin.
I got this following error while trying to add a non-nullable field (description) to an existing model (Category) without specifying a default value.
I got this following error while running the django web project "ImportError: cannot import name 'url' from 'django.conf.urls'"
In this tutorial I will show you how enable Virtualization Technology in bios for zebion motherboard.
I got this following error while running the android project, "Dependency 'androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0' requires libraries and applications that depend on it to compile against version 34 or later of the Android APIs."
I got this following error while running the program to extract the text from an HTML address tag using Python.
I got this following error while running a program to create an Excel file from a list of titles in python.
In this video tutorial I will show you how to get thumbnail from vimeo video URL using Python program.
In this tutorial I will show you how to remove all special characters, punctuation except spaces from string in Python
I got this following error when I try to save an image with an alpha channel (transparency) as a JPEG file. "cannot write mode RGBA as JPEG".