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how to create a Autocomplete textBox using Asp.net C#?

| | Category: c# .net

In this article I will explain how to create a autocomplete textbox using C# in ASP.Net.

how to read xml and then bind it to GridView control in ASP.Net using c# ?

| | Category: c# .net

In this article I will explain how to read the data from XML file and bind toGridView control using C# in ASP.Net.

How to get previous date query using SQL server?

| | Category: SQL

If you need to get previous date time.(i.e., current date minus 1)

how do get day of Date? eg: monday, friday

| | Category: SQL

If you need to get the day name (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.)

How to get current year,month,day in sql server?

| | Category: SQL

In GETDATE() function will return current date and time from the SQL Server.

how to implement Progressive (continuous) dots for article using SQL?

| | Category: SQL

We are going to learn how to implement Progressive (continuous) for an article using SQL server using SUBSTRING.

How to get datetime in sql query?

| | Category: SQL

If you run following script in this SQL Command. Itwill give you same results and no performance difference. It will return the current server time.

how to check table exists in SQL Server?

| | Category: SQL

Best way to use an INFORMATION_SCHEMA view. These views are most standard across the plateform.

How to generate a row of every 15 minutes of the start time and end time?

| | Category: SQL

I have the specified start date time and end date time i.e (end date time is end of sequence), I add a time interval (this can vary) to the start date time in minutes and this gives me the end date time. we can set time interval 15minutes (60 sec*15 min=900sec).

[solved ]The required anti-forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.

| | Category: c# .net

We need to add [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute before our action. And also should add @Html.AntiForgeryToken() in our form.

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