In this tutorial I will show you how to decode HTML characters in c#. Here, my string values contains HTML characters. But I need to convert to normal plain text.
I got this following problem while installing visual studio 2019 showing message setup completed with warnings.
"The breakpoint will not be hit no symbols loaded for this document" while i tried to debug the project using debug point. The debug cursor is not working. it is not getting to the point. following this way i solved the problem.
During the development of the program, when creating SQL stored procedure parameters, you need to find the corresponding SQL data type according to the defined ASP.NET data type; if you are not familiar with the "Sql and Asp.Net data type", you will need it. Their correspondence tables are listed in detail below.
As the name implies, it is like an application, it can be accessed like a website, but once you change it, if you change a piece of logic, you have to recompile it to see the effect of the change when the website is accessed.
In this article I will show you how to create c# login page code with sql database. In this login form multiple user can login with the form, If the username and password matches with the database it allows user to login.
I am using validation controls in application, I got this following webforms unobtrusivevalidationmode error while running the application.
When I tried to run this command “aspnet-regiis.exe -ir” in the command prompt I got the following message “You must have administrative rights on this machine in order to run this tool”.
When I tried to add Reference to c# web project by browsing the dll file I got the following error.It is due to missing feature.Net 4.5 framework support.
Here you can download System.Speech.dll and reference it with an application.