When I tried to Add rows to the dynamically generated DataTable though loop I got the following error. The DataTable contains two columns with DataType property as string.
In this article I will show you how to use jQuery google charts API and create Pie chart with database in asp.net MVC c# implemented using chart.js.
I got the following error indicating you should create a static class separately or you should remove this from the parameter.
You can convert the entity object to list Object by looping the LINQ Query results and adding the object to the list.
You can use use third party components Newtonsoft JSON to serializeObject to JSON and convert it into datatable.
This extension method helps you to convert linq Query results (Generic List) to Datatable.
To get the SQL connection string from entity framework using DbConetext edmx file. In this example I will show you with example.
A notifyicon is used to notify users at the bottom right corner of Windows screen. In order to create Notification application should use namespace System.Windows.Forms and we get NotifyIcon instance.
In this example, I will show you how to fill a combox in windows application using entity framework c# .net.
Generally, we are getting the application path using Application.StartupPath. It will return the path of the executable file that started the application.