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asp .net mvc query string

We can retrieve data from URL to controller action method by two methods in mvc such as parameter of action method function and Query string. We can get Query string value just like web forms as Request.QueryString.

Radio button mvc

Radio button allows user to select one option from series of choices. In this example I will show you how to generate a radiobuttonlist in mvc using Html.RadioButtonFor.

[solved]The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery`1[<> f__AnonymousType2`2[System.String,System.String]]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1'

When I was trying to run the application I had faced this problem. I resolved by selecting the complete object that result will consists of complete customer objects. But before I selected a subset of the customer objects, just two members.

Reverse int c# Linq?

In this example I will show you how to reverse the order of the array element using c# Linq. I stored list of numbers in an integer array in a variable. I need to include namespace System.Linq and used reverse extension method. The result will be element of arrays in the opposite direction.

Menu tab jquery

Tabs are horizontally displaying like menu tab, jQuery ui widget is used to toggle the visibility of the elements. Other than active panel the contents of all section is set to display: none. We can also customize the css effects, events as our wish. This example you will learn briefly about how to implement jQuery menu tab.

Passing string to view mvc

In this example I will show you how to pass string to view mvc in application. The appropriate way to you must cast in to an object and return as view. In view model you must define the object type and write the string in required place.