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Calculate remaining days of domain using whois Python module

| | python

In this tutorial I will show you how to calculate remaining days of domain to expire. 

Install Python package:

pip install python-whois


import datetime

import whois

def get_whois_info(domain_name):
domain_info = whois.whois(domain_name)
expiration_date = domain_info.expiration_date[0]
last_updated = domain_info.last_updated
registrar = domain_info.registrar

return {
'expiration_date': expiration_date ,
'last_updated': last_updated,
'registrar': registrar,
'name': domain_name,

# Example domain
domain_name = 'quicgen.com'

# Get WHOIS information
domain_info = get_whois_info(domain_name)

for key, value in domain_info.items():
print(key,':', value)

I obtain the expiration date from Whois module. To get the no. of days I subtract expiration date from current date and time.


calculate days of domain name