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Ionic framework

Cordova Android build error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined". An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.

| | ionic , mobile

My ionic project was working perfectly without error. But when I was trying to build the ionic project using the command "ionic cordova build android". I got the following error,

Cordova Android build error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"

Cordova Android build error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"

To know more detail about the error I command "ionic cordova build android --verbose" then I come 

to know gradlepath value is undefined. I was already installed gradle in my PC. 

Then I checked the enviroment variables path value that also perfect. 

I downgrade cordova cli 

npm install -g cordova@6.4.0

I also removed platform folder and added using the command.

ionic cordova platform rm android

ionic cordova platform add android

after I run the build the project same error. I searched internet no solution


Finaly I realised I was updated by Android studio 4.0.1 (windows). Previously I installed 3.0.1.

now I removed the recent one and installed the previously android studio.

Next, I closed the visual studion code and reopened it and opened my project and run build 

command. The project build succeful and apk was generated in output path.