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Custom Paging SQL Server example

| | SQL


In this article, I will show you how to implement custom paging in SQL server 2008. I used ROW_NUMBER() in where clause to achieve ms sql paging.


Create a stored procedure with parameters currentindex and pagesize and name it as tbl_customerPaging with the below following code. You can implement paging in gridview with the help of stored procedure by passing the index of the pageindex as parameter.

Stored procedure with parameters:

ALTER PROCEDURE [tbl_customerPaging]
    @CurrentIndex int,
    @PageSize int
          SELECTROW_NUMBER()over(order by customerId) AS RowId,
          FROM    Customers
    )AS A
WHERE RowId BETWEEN (@CurrentIndex -1) * @PageSize+ 1
                      AND     (@CurrentIndex * @PageSize )