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How to find an id with specific string using jQuery?

| | JQuery

You can find the id contains with specific string using indexOf method in jQuery. Here I want to change the css class for specific id. It was checked by using ”if” statement as shown below.

if (this.id.indexOf('comment') == -1) {



<style type="text/css">

.custom-plus {

            background-image: url(Content/themes/base/images/openclose.png);

        background-repeat: no-repeat;

        padding-top: 6px;

        padding-left: 29px;

            background-position: 0px -58px;



    .custom-minus {

        background-image: url(Content/themes/base/images/openclose.png);

        background-repeat: no-repeat;

        padding-top: 6px;

        padding-left: 29px;

            background-position: 0px 0px;




It is necessary to find the id if it is so I need to change otherwise it will css class is applying unnecessarily. Here i applyed for expandcollapse button.
