
[Solved] Timezone problem in date jQuery plugin (timeago.js)

[Solved] Timezone problem in date jQuery plugin (timeago.js), someone asked me to explain?

I was using timeago jQuery plugin, when I publish the posts in my blog, the moment is now, but it shows the Timezone “about 5 hours ago”.

Just now I posted an article in my blog, but it shows 5 hours ago.

Timezone problem in date jQuery plugin (timeago.js)

Html Helper class:

public static MvcHtmlString Timeago(this HtmlHelper helper, DateTime dateTime)
            var tag = new TagBuilder("abbr");
            tag.Attributes.Add("title",dateTime.ToString("s") + "Z");
            return MvcHtmlString.Create(tag.ToString());

Razor view:



<abbr class="timeago" title="2016-10-16T01:25:12Z">10/16/2016 1:25:12 AM</abbr>

Finally, I got the solution you should not pass DateTime along with Z. 

You can also refer previous post, How to use date plugin jQuery timeago example?

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