
How to convert JSON string to JSON array?

How to convert JSON string to JSON array?, someone asked me to explain?

In this article we will discuss to convert JSON string to JSON array using JSON.parse () method. After parsing we are using JQurey each() method to loop the Product JSON object get the property values.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var JSONString = '[{"ProductName":"computer","Code":"ED002","Price":500,"ProductType":"electronic"},{"ProductName":"Chair","Code":"D5695","Price":1500,"ProductType":"furniture"}]';
            var productJSON = JSON.parse(JSONString);
            var result = '';
            $.each(productJSON, function (i, item) {
                result += 'Product Name = ' + item.ProductName + '<br/>';
                result += 'Code = ' + item.Code+ '<br/>';
                result += 'Product Type = ' + item.ProductType + '<br/>';
                result += 'Price = ' + item.Price + '<br/><br/>';
             $('#resultDiv').html(result).css('background-Color', 'rgb(136, 210, 220)');

<body style="border:1px solid;width:400px">
    <div id="resultDiv"></div>


convert JSON string to JSON array

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