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How to convert rgb value to html color in vb?

FromArgb method. FromArgb method has to pass three overloaded parameter red, green and blue values. The ColorTranslator.ToHtml method returns the hexadecimal code for the color object. The textbox name as txtResult will result the hexadecimal code.

How to use substr() method in JavaScript?

In this article we will discuss to how to use substr() method. It has two parameter start and count. Start is required parameter and it specifies where the position should to start. End is optional parameter it specifies the number of characters to extract. If the count parameter is not specified, it takes the all characters till end of the string. If the count is zero or negative then it will return empty.

How to use substring() method in JavaScript?

In this article we will discuss to how to use substring() method. It has two parameter start and end. Start is required parameter and it specifies where the position should to start. End is optional parameter it specifies where the extraction should end. If the value of start parameter is greater than the end parameter then the method will swap the two arguments, start treated as end and end will be treated as start.