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How to create animated border over image using css?

We can set multiple css properties to create animation border over image using css. We can set the transitions for width, height, background-color, transform. Hover over the image to see the animation with a period of time with changes take effect immediatly.

How to animate image using jquery?

In this article we will discuss to animate image using method animate(). We can set numeric css properties width, height, padding, margin, etc. we can also specify duration using predefined string slow,fast,medium or time duration in milliseconds.

How to create fade() effect using jquery?

In this article we will discuss to create slide silde using id or class property using fadeOut () and fadeout() property. We can also set motion fast ,slow,medium and time line using the property.

How to iterationg and modifying array with ?

In this article we will learn how to iterationg and modifying array with We can loop each element in the array and modify the value.$.map(). The $.map() method will takes the array and callback method as argument, while iterating using substring we are taking first 3 letters.

How to create simple jQuery tooltip?

JQuery tooltip allows lot of customization such as positioning, appearance and ajax results. Below example label element title display the native tooltip for the textbox displays jQuery tooltip.